I was tagged by Sarah ( who was my college roommate and is, incidentally, one of those freakish people who keeps getting cuter every time I see her) with this brand new kind of survey so here goes. The rules go like this:
1. List the link to your tagger and also post these following rules.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog - some random, some weird, etc.
3. Tag 7 people at the the end of your blog also leaving the links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are “TAGGED” by leaving a comment on their blog.
Since my Tagger didn't follow rules 1 and 4, I won't either. And with that, here are top 7 random facts about Tamara.
1. I am a college football junkie. Since I was a little girl, my family has had tickets to UCLA football games. Those long afternoons spent at the Rose Bowl are some of my favorite. And secretly, whenever a UCLA game is on TV out here in Texas, I still call my dad and we watch the game together on speaker phone and proudly do the 8-clap on the phone so we can pretend that we're still watching the game together. I blame my dad for the fact that New Year's Day means nothing more to me than football, football and more football.
2. If I had my way, I would be a writer professionally. I've toyed with different genres and each one proves to be more inviting to me than the last. I'm always embarassed to have someone read my original compositions because I know there are so many amazing writers out there and I know I would have a lot of editing ahead of me and it might hurt my pride. It seems presumptuous of me to fancy myself anywhere near as amazing one of the literary masters I adore but in my wildest dreams, I imagine myself quitting my job and spending time in the early morning light sipping chamomile tea and agonizing over the final twist in my best selling novel.
3. I used to do commercials and TV shows. Nothing spectacular and I will never be famous. My largest claim to fame was I was the stunt girl for the little girl in Adventures in Babysitting. The joke of all those years spent in front of the camera is that I hated every second of it. I was terrified of auditions, I was embarassed during rehearsals and I somehow managed to blush at all the most inconvenient times.
4. I secretly idolize the Abigail Adams. In fact, I am a junkie for biographies about anyone who was involved in early American politics. One of my favorites was His Excellency (which is George Washington's biography) and, although we all know how the story went, I still cried when he died at the end. I also loved John Adams' biography as well as Benjamin Franklin's. 1776 was also noteworthy and if anyone needs to have a nerd moment, I'm happy to let you borrow any of those works.
5. I have a viceral objection to making homemade bread in a bread maker. I know it's easier to do it that way and I even know that it still tastes pretty good. In my opinion, though, the texture of Grandma's bread will never be right until it has been kneaded with my own two hands until it is perfectly springy and deliciously light. Ask Grandma. She'll back me up.
6. I'm pathetically nostalgic. I can hardly speak of my family or my favorite memories without crying. It embarasses me. I get homesick really easily. I can sit and look at old pictures or reminisce with my brother that lives here close and never get sick of it. I have a feeling I will definitely be that old lady who talks and talks and talks for decades about the good old days because, let's be honest, I'm guilty of it even now.
7. I don't like sweet potatoes, dressing or pumpkin pie. With Thanksgiving coming, I thought I should disclose that because I realize it's un-American and so those of you who can no longer be friends with me can just make that known right now.
And now, I get to tag the next victims. So, in no particular order, I tag Molly, Stephanie Lisonbee, Lois, Stephanie Ryan, Doug and Dr. Findley. Off you go, guys!