Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Potty Humor?

Should I be weirded out that any time I enter the restroom here at work the same guy is in there? We're talking EVERY, single time! Seriously, this guy is always in the bathroom taking care of business. And one of the weirdest things is when he is in a stall, his feet always face the toilet, which leads one to believe he's facing it, but if you just go with me on this one, he doesn't sound like he should be facing the toilet.

And he is an eerie-looking gentleman--short, very pale (alomost yellow skin), glasses from the 60s, curly hair, pants at least 5 inches too short, walks very slowly, washes his hands for 10 minutes. Are you getting a good mental picture yet? I tried for months to get close enough to him to read the name on his badge so I could look him up and was only successful after about a dozen close calls (he definitely thinks I've broken the personal space man law).

Turns out he's a patent lawyer. I guess that explains it...


Auntie Lolo said...

Yes you should definitely be weirded out!! In fact, I'm weirded out, wait...who made me the weirded out police?? :)

Stephanie said...

yuck, that is weird. I definitely would agree with you on that. I wouldn't shake hands with him, that's for sure. eeewww!

Tamara said...

are you restroom stalking this man? that's what I want to know...

I'd like to add that even to lawyers, patent lawyers are a little off.

drfindley said...

The only cool Patent Attorney was Calvin's father in Calvin and Hobbes, and even then his coolness was quite in question.

Maybe you two are on the same bathroom schedule, I mean I hear that happens when people work together for a while.

Or maybe he often feels the need to express how he feels about the patents that comes across his desk.

Or maybe this is his only escape from being a patent attorney, like when you were in a terrible class in high school and you just couldn't take it and got yourself a hall pass.

Molly said...

Is it weird that I'm laughing? I used to be a logistics broker on an all male team, and EVERY DAY about 10 AM they would all have to go to the loo to, as they put it, "free the Brown family."

While they were gone, I covered all their freight.

In the mean time, just don't tap your foot toward his. You don't want to be all Larry Craig up in that joint.

critts said...

Here's my question Adam - don't you think he's thinking the same thing about you? Why is this guy stalking me EVERY TIME I'm in the bathroom? The foot position thing is admittedly weird, though.

Auntie Lolo said...

I would like to second Molly's advice.

Tamara said...

The mental picture alone is enough to send me straight to therapy.