Friday, November 21, 2008

Hanging out with the folks.

I don't know why but I find Elizabeth to be impossibly cute in her little Baby Bumbo. Maybe it's because she's just to petite that it looks like her seat is swallowing her. Anyway, it's a good thing she likes it in there because that's where she hangs out every evening while we make dinner and wait for Dad to get home.

She's so curious. She follows every sound she hears. The kitchen is great that way. There are enough sights and sounds in there to keep her entertained forever!

Here's Adam at his favorite time of day. He's all over story time before bed. That's good news for Elizabeth since he's way better at doing Brown Bear's voice than I.

Are you all sick of Elizabeth pictures yet?


Emili said...

Her sippy cup makes her look even smaller. She is adorable!

Greg and Tammy said...

We could NEVER EVER be sick of her pictures!! That and Emma's favorite dinner perch was also her bumbo... until she learned how to wriggle out of it... and almost fell off the counter. Mother of the Year. :) Love her witch costume!

Crystal said...

How long has she been sitting in the bumbo?

Becky said...

What a doll! How could anyone ever get sick of her pics? Seriously. She is so darn cute. And she still looks so small. What a cutie. Actually, you need to post more pics. I love her Halloween costume.

Alex T. Valencic said...

Is it just me, or is Elizabeth looking with great interest at that electrical outlet right next to her in the second photo? Hm...

cat said...

NO!!! we are not sick of pictures of her. i LOVE it. she is the prettiest little thing ever!
i just got out the bumbo for edie too i still laugh everytime i see her in it, it is so dang cute! i LOVE the fact that we will be doing the same things at the same time for our little girls!

cat said...

i also love adam's face reading to her, so sweet. it is obvious he ADORES her.

Sarah said...

I wish my kids were ever small enough to sit in the Bumbo seat- I hear they are really great! She looks so cute and curious sitting in her big seat. I love her darling outfits with matching headbands and hats!