Sunday, September 16, 2007

Oh happy day!

So, while this is not the prettiest picture ever of me, it's is the prettyiest moment ever in my life. What Adam and I are sharing here is a piece of chocolate cake. (And you'd say "Tams, you can't eat chocolate cake!) Oh yes I can! Thanks to our wonderful friends Lois and Doug Hale, I was surprised this evening when we all went out to eat at a restaurant where the ENTIRE MENU is gluten free! That's right. For the first time in 4 years, I opened a menu and could eat anything I wanted...none of it would send me into anaphalactic shock! As my friend says, it's the little things... I'm of course now going to gain 3 million pounds since I now know where to access the tastiest gluten free chocolate cake on the planet, but it'll all be worth it. Every pound packing bite. Oh joy of all resplendant joy!


cat said...

wuhooo!!! i am SO glad that you started a blog! glad about the chocolate cake and especially glad about the house. oh happy happy dee!!!

rebecca said...

yeah, you started a blog! I'm going to link your page to mine so I can check back. Congratulations on the house. That is so exciting!

Sarah said...

Everyone eventually caves, I'm just glad that now I don't have to read all about your family's happenings to find out what is going on with you!!! Just kidding, I love the Lisonbee blog! I'm so excited that you've started your own. I'm also excited that you bought a house and that you found a gluten free restaurant. That is so awesome! I can't wait to see pictures of the house when you have some.