Friday, September 28, 2007

My how time flies...

So, Tuesday marked the one year anniversary of my first day being a lawyer. (I guess that would be 7 in dog years?). Anyway, it came just like it in rush hour traffic driving down the same freeway worrying about being late into the office (whatever that means) and thinking "I wonder if I'm really cut out for this." I guess it's like most things in life. You get an idea in your head and it becomes your main focus and all you can think about is accomplishing that goal...and somehow when you get there, it's not exactly the picture you painted in your mind. Not that it's necessarily better or worse, just a different hue than you'd anticipated and you have to decide if it's one that really suits you.

In any case, I'm happy to report I'm a year more experienced and remarkably, I feel like I know less now than I did when I started. It's a humbling experience to have absolutely no idea what you're doing all day long...which I guess is good because most people in the world think we lawyers could stand to be humbled a bit more than we are. Anyway, I'm just throwing myself a little party for having made it. But also, I've been thinking of how long I've been after this goal and how interesting it feels to be on this side of it. I guess I thought I'd feel like I'd "made it" but I don't feel like I've arrived anywhere yet.

Anyway, I felt really humbled Tuesday when I realized getting through law school and the Bar Exam (sorry Adam for saying those cursed words) was completely a group effort so thanks everyone for the pushes in the right direction. I remember many many times when the task seemed way too insurmountable and I feel like someone was always there to help me through again.

How pathetic am I? I have like a monumental struggle with something as insignificant as a test and more years in school than I would have liked and most of you are all moms, raising kids and doing really important stuff. Heaven help me when it's my turn for that!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Congrats on making it through your first year! I'm sure that you are an awesome lawyer. I never doubted that you would achieve your goal. I totally understand about the picture being a little different than you imagined in your mind. My whole life is like that!