Friday, January 18, 2008

More cold weather? I'll show you!

So Winter has never been my favorite season and this Winter is not an exception. Adam and I have developed an unhealthy obsession with the beach of late and can barely bring ourselves to daydream of much else. I'm a Cali kid! I swear I function on photosynthesis because if the sun isn't shining, I can't think of many good reasons to get out of bed. However, I woke up this morning and it was cloudy! This has gone on far too long! It was too much for me so I decided I'm officially declaring that for me and my house, Winter is over. I will now be listening to the beach boys and Will Smith's "Summertime." This is me breaking out the flip flops. Which, by the way, explains the new blog background. My own bit of sunshine. Feel free to bask anytime you need a break from winter.


Stephanie said...

Yes, it has definitely been cold lately. FREEZING! I like it though. :) I'm almost to the point though where I'm ready for spring to kick in.

Doug said...

I'm with you - never been a fan of the cold. So I'll line up with you in protest of all things Winter. BOO WINTER!!!

Molly said...


On that note, I don't mind the cold weather. I can always layer, but you can only take so much off before a situation gets awkward.

Sarah said...

Yah, so I actually turned on our air conditioner the other day because I was hot! I really do love CA- look who has the ball now! When are you going to move back? I miss you.

Stephanie said...

Hey! I love your playlist songs!!!